Venient Fx Parathyroid Function and Bone Metabolism Basic
Test Description
Venient Fx Parathyroid Function and Bone Metabolism Basic is a disruptive, non-invasive test that provides primary information about a patient's parathyroid function and bone metabolism.
It is based on a routine blood analysis and is powered by both proprietary machine learning and public algorithms, ensuring highly accurate primary diagnostic information, including the likelihood of parathyroid disease or dysfunction, and alterations related to calcium metabolism. As a first line test, the results of the parameters included in it are useful in guiding through diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic options. Although these results are preliminary, in some cases, they may be definitive.
It is based on corrected calcium and also includes the determination of parathyroid hormone intact (PTHi).
In case of a positive result, the diagnostic report may suggest the performance of a certain second line test, in order to deepen the diagnostic information, confirm therapies, establish prognoses or follow up the disease.
If parathyroid disease or bone metabolic dysfunction is suggested, other tests will be recommended as appropriate.
Screening recommendations
The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for osteoporosis with bone measurement tests to prevent osteoporotic fractures in women 65 years of age and older.
However, Kience Inc. recommends the Venient Fx Parathyroid Function and Bone Metabolism Basic test to treat patients with the following symptoms, signs or suspected disease: hypercalcemia due to malignancy (HCM), primary hypoparathyroidism or primary hyperparathyroidism.
Intended Use
The target population for Venient Fx Parathyroid Function and Bone Metabolism Basic are patients with clinical suspicion of: hypercalcemia due to malignancy, primary hypoparathyroidism, primary hyperparathyroidism, among others.
Sample Clinical Vignette
A 55-year-old woman presents to her primary care physician complaining of generalized weakness, fatigue, and frequent episodes of abdominal discomfort. She mentions that she has been experiencing increased thirst and urination over the past few months. On further questioning, she reports a history of kidney stones and fractures from minor falls. Physical examination reveals tenderness in her abdomen and palpable renal angle fullness. A blood sample is sent to determine her parathyroid function.
Required Laboratory Determinations
Serum Electrolytes —Calcium—; Serum Proteins —Albumin—; Serum Hormones —Parathyroid Hormone intact (PTHi)—.